Prework Study Guide
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- The href attrtibute is a hyperlink reference.
- The head element contains metadata for the webpage
- The title tag is always displayed inside of the head.
- The head element contains information about the webpage.
- The anchor element is incomplete without an href attribute.
- The script embeds client-side scripts in the HTML document.
- The body element represents the visible content shown to the user
- Block assigns each image to start on a new line.
- A margin indicates how much space we want around the outside of an element.
- A padding indicates how much space we want around the content inside an element.
- The rel attribute specifies the relationship between the current document and the linked documents.
- * declares that we want ALL of the elements on the page to have the style properties of margin and padding.
- mv: move file.
- code .: opens VS code.
- cd ..: backs up one step.
- ls: shows a list of files.
- cd: goes to folder or file.
- mkdir: creates new folder(s).
- up arrow: fills in previous command.
- git status: checks what branch we are currently on.
- pwd: writes the full pathname of the current working directory.
- git checkout -b branch-name: creates a new branch and switches to it.
- An array is group of related data.
- A string is always surrounded by quotation marks.
- Each line of JavaScript code ends with a semi-colon.
- Control flow is the order in which a computer executes code in a script.
- A variable is a named container that allows us to store data in our code.
- A function is a set of instructions that tells the computer how to perform a certain task.